Fun Holiday Series: Happy National Hairball Awareness Day!

By: Amber Hunt, Apr 30th 2021

If you own a cat, or even if you don’t, you know that they have a tendency to spit up hairballs on a fairly regular basis. This happens because our precious little felines are constantly grooming themselves so they can be their prettiest and cleanest at all times. If they can’t pass the hair they ingest through their digestive system, they will cough it up to get rid of it. This can be purr-fectly dangerous if they have trouble passing it, so today we will celebrate our kitty friends by learning how to avoid hairballs as much as we can!

#1: Grooming

Your cat will naturally groom themselves, but if you help them out by brushing them regularly (especially if they have longer hair), you can prevent all that fur from getting into their system. If you start grooming your cat while they are young, they might even learn to love grooming day!

#2: Products

Some companies make shampoos, wipes, and other products that can help reduce shedding in your kitty so there isn’t as much fur around for them to ingest. Make sure to check out your local pet store to see what’s available!

#3: Food

Making sure your feline is getting good food will help, as well. Generally speaking, dry food is not great for cats, as they should be getting most of their moisture from their food. More natural wet/raw foods will help reduce hairballs by treating their skin and coat and making it healthy, which will reduce hairballs!

So if you’re sick of hairballs and ready to help your little furry friend today, make sure you’re doing everything you can to reduce their hairballs right meow!