Watch as your child's confidence and independence soar while they master the fluid style of cursive handwriting. It is true that many things are digital today, but there is always a time and a place for a handwritten signature.
This page is double-sided. The design includes both our favorite personalized signature page on one side and on the reverse side is the whole cursive alphabet (capital and lowercase), so your child can practice writing any word in cursive. It's never too late to teach your child how to sign their name beautifully in cursive - these pages simplify the process for both of you!
No more wasting paper - this page is acrylic & reusable when using the enclosed dry-erase marker (color varies). StIcKy FiNgErS and GERMS? Not a problem, just rinse the page with soap and water.
The page is three-hole punched for easy storage in a binder. Three binder rings are included as another option to keep them organized with the purchase of two or more pages.
NOTE: Please double-check your spelling. Once your order has been placed, we will not be able to change it or issue a refund.
- Personalized with your child's name
- Double-sided design
- Reusable
- Includes a dry-erase marker
- Disinfect with soap & water
- Hole punched for easy storage
Yours Until Gone!℠
What's in the Box?
- Personalized 2-in-1 Double-Sided Kids' Practice Signature Page
- Dry-Erase Marker (color varies)
- Measurements: 7-1/2" x 10-1/4"
- Acrylic
- Limited Quantity Available
- Yours to Keep! We cannot accept returns on personalized products. Replacements are available for any flaws or errors on our part.